Anke Hassel
- Patrizia Nanz, Julia Borggräfe, Anke Hassel u.a.: Eine moderne Verwaltung ist Voraussetzung für Deutschlands Zukunftsfähigkeit und Demokratie. Berlin 11. Oktober 2021.
- Anke Hassel: This election has forced a general shift in German politics. Comment in the Guardian. 30. September 2021.
- "Germanomics". Film über den Zustand der sozialen Marktwirtschaft in Deutschland vom 1. Juni 2021
- Anke Hassel: Surveying the world of work and welfare - Profile on the Hertie School website
- New policy paper: Patrizia Nanz, Julia Borggräfe, Anke Hassel u.a.: Eine moderne Verwaltung ist Voraussetzung für Deutschlands Zukunftsfähigkeit und Demokratie. Berlin 11. Oktober 2021.
- New short papers for Work in the Digital Age by Juliet Schor, Koen Frenken, Annabelle Gawer and John Cioffi.
- New exciting Transatlantic Expert Group on the"Future of Work" organised by German Marshall Fund and Bruegel started on 19 May 2021.
- Book launch is now on youtube with Anton Hemerijck (EUI), Waltraud Schelkle (LSE), Alexander Kentikelenis (Bocconi) and Bela Greskovits (CEU).
- Workshop: Work in the Digital Age: The challenges of platform firms. On March 16, 17 and 24. Speakers include Juliet Schor, Annabelle Gawer, Koen Frenken and Martin Kenney.
- New Project: Perceptions of Social Cohesion in the EU. Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education. In cooperation with Markus Jachtenfuchs, Bruno Palier and Ellen Immergut. Starts January 2021.
Growth regimes
How do governments pursue growth? What is the role of welfare reforms for growth strategies? A new book co-edited with Bruno Palier pursues these questions on welfare and growth.
Social Innovation
In a paper for a government advisory group, the Hightech-Forum, we argue that tech solutions won’t work without social innovations. My contributions to the Hightech-Forum.
Future of Work
How we will work tomorrow is not only influenced by technological innovations but also by the way we shape them. How can we create and protect good jobs in the digital age?
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